A Good Night’s Sleep

I had a hydrotension done two weeks ago. Since then, I had not only been in pain but also unable to get a good night’s sleep. I rested to be sure. I laid around reading or watching t.v.. Even caught a movie-The Help-if you haven’t seen it, do so now! It’s as good or better than the book. Anyway, I don’t know if it was the pain or the pills but my whole sleeping pattern was off. I would go to be tired at around 10 pm but still be awake at 11 pm. Tired of tossing and turning, I’d get up and try to trick my mind into sleep mode by doing something relaxing. Unfortunately, sleep wouldn’t find me until about 2 am which meant I would sleep until about 10 am. I’m not a morning person so this would normally be cause for a personal celebration but night after night it was wrecking havoc on my body. Finally, last night, sleep found me at about 11 pm and kept me until about 6am. I was tired when I woke up but I was pain free. Yay! So this makes me wonder: If I had been able to get a good nights sleep in the past two weeks, would my pain had subsided earlier? Is may lack of pain today a result of a good nights sleep or merely happenstance?

Today I dropped my son off at school, hit the gluten-free sale at Sprouts, and came home. I put dinner in the Crock Pot, Jamaican Pumpkin Soup, and am making a Pumpkin Mousse with the remainder of the pumpkin. Next? I will take a break and enjoy this beautiful overcast day we’re having in Az. Yes, I’m declaring the rest of my day as a day of rest. I finally feel good and want to enjoy it by doing things I enjoy like reading or writing, or finally getting my outline done for Nanowrimo. I refuse to overdue it today, a mistake I’ve made in the past when I’ve suddenly felt better.

So tell me, what do you do to sleep better when you’re in pain? And what do you do to celebrate when the pain is finally gone, even if just for a day?