Mom, Karate’s Not Your Thing

Yeah, I wanted to be a bad ass.

When I met my boyfriend 18 months ago, he was going to gym everyday and he looked great. I was not going to the gym because I was lazy busy.  Last August, my boyfriend and I decided we needed to work out as a family. About that time, I was speaking with someone at work who mentioned he’s a black belt in karate and teaches karate for the whole family on Tuesday and Thursday nights not too far from where I lived. Perfect. Quality time with the family while sneaking in some exercise for my son.

We started class at the same time. My boyfriend and son really enjoyed it. Me? Not so much. I enjoyed the warm up time and the stretching but learning all the different steps and such were just too much for me. At work, almost every thing I do is monitored in one way or the other. I don’t want to be monitored on my off time. Also, I missed a lot of classes because I was ill. I hadn’t yet been diagnosed with IC and the movements and stretching I was doing were making my pelvic floor spasm. Going twice a week added to the flare ups and irritation. In addition, I felt ridiculous bowing upon entering and exiting the karate room-also known as the Dojo. Yelling key-yah when I was doing a particularly  aggressive movement didn’t feel natural and I doubted it ever would. Saying ‘Usss” when I agreed with something the leader said always made me want to giggle.

I missed the entire month of October due to being sick and also due to a trip to Disneyland. I attended the first class of the month at the beginning of November. I’d told my boyfriend the night before that I was going to go back and try it again but I figured I would end up quitting the class as both he and my son had moved on to the next belt. I’m a bit competitive… sick or not. I struggled through the class, having to practice with my boyfriend and this teenage girl who beat me up hit hard. By the end of class, I knew I wouldn’t return as a class member. On the way home that night, my son says to me without hesitation from the backseat ‘Mom, no offense, but I don’t think karate’s your thing. You’re just not  catching on.” All I could do is laugh and tell him that I was thinking the exact same thing. He tried to console me by telling me I could play soccer but I assured him that I was bit too old for soccer. My son still goes every Tuesday and Thursday and has been steadily making his way up to new belts-which makes me proud. He’s been going all by himself as my boyfriend started a new job recently and works too late at night to attend.

All this to say, I haven’t done anything productive over the last year with any consistency in regards to working out. I’ve tried Zumba which is a lot of fun and non repetitive. Belly dancing is a lot of fun and I must admit a lot more difficult than you would think. Jillian Michaels was intense and she likes to do a lot of abdominal work which worked against me for obvious reasons. Walking was alright but a bit dull. Most every time I would get into a routine, I would get sick again. I sat in at my son’s karate class on Thursday. Although I don’t want to do that particular activity again, I realized that I do miss being physically active. My body is not the way I want it. I fully realize that it may never be the way I want it to be as I’m now closer to 40 years old than 20 years old but I can at least make an effort to feel and look better. On the IC Network website, I came across a yoga video taped by a yoga instructor who actually as IC herself. It came highly recommended and unfortunately was sold out. Amazon had it though. It was a bit pricey at about $30, and I really had to assess whether or not it would be worth it. I decided to give it a try and now can hardly wait until it arrives in the mail. It will do my soul good to be moving in ways that are helpful to my body instead of hurtful. I’ll let you know.

Let's hope I can do this!